The ECOWAS Medical Village, the largest West African healthcare project that will impact and transform healthcare delivery in the sub-Saharan region has received blessings from the Vatican.

In the final preparations towards its off taking in the capital city of Ghana, Accra, the project was presented to the Vatican by a delegation led by the CEO, Mr. Peter Ahiekpor. The delegation was received by a group of Vatican Archbishops at the Saint Peter’s Basilica in Rome.  During the presentation, a showcase of the project was made outlining the world class facilities it would offer to the Sub-region in Africa.

The Vatican Archbishops were impressed with team’s vision and praised the idea of the Eco Medical Village project and its concern to improving the welfare of the West African citizenry.

In recognition of the visit to the holy place, a short ceremony was organized and the project was offered before Lord and blessed to see its fruition in the ECOWAS region. The delegation was also shown around the seat of the global Church during the visit.  Watch some events and scenes from the Vatican visit below:

The Eco Medical Village Project will be one of a kind health care village in Africa that is located on a 40 acre site land in Accra, Ghana and will provide first class health facilities and specialized healthcare units. The health care city will have a 1000 bed hospital facility, house over 100 specialized units under one community and offer other facilities such as housing projects, health mall, hotels and training units for the African community members.

It is a private sector initiative that aims to impact the health care system and provide quality health care for citizens in the sub region who hitherto have to fly outside for emergency health services and other related healthcare delivery.

Vatican Blesses the Eco Medical Village Project in Rome

Archbishop at Vatican shows the delegation around the Basilica